973 research outputs found

    The Functional Anatomy of Time: What and When in the Brain

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    This Opinion article considers the implications for functional anatomy of how we represent temporal structure in our exchanges with the world. It offers a theoretical treatment that tries to make sense of the architectural principles seen in mammalian brains. Specifically, it considers a factorisation between representations of temporal succession and representations of content or, heuristically, a segregation into when and what. This segregation may explain the central role of the hippocampus in neuronal hierarchies while providing a tentative explanation for recent observations of how ordinal sequences are encoded. The implications for neuroanatomy and physiology may have something important to say about how self-organised cell assembly sequences enable the brain to exhibit purposeful behaviour that transcends the here and now

    Neural Dynamics in Parkinsonian Brain:The Boundary Between Synchronized and Nonsynchronized Dynamics

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    Synchronous oscillatory dynamics is frequently observed in the human brain. We analyze the fine temporal structure of phase-locking in a realistic network model and match it with the experimental data from parkinsonian patients. We show that the experimentally observed intermittent synchrony can be generated just by moderately increased coupling strength in the basal ganglia circuits due to the lack of dopamine. Comparison of the experimental and modeling data suggest that brain activity in Parkinson's disease resides in the large boundary region between synchronized and nonsynchronized dynamics. Being on the edge of synchrony may allow for easy formation of transient neuronal assemblies

    Sleep Analytics and Online Selective Anomaly Detection

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    We introduce a new problem, the Online Selective Anomaly Detection (OSAD), to model a specific scenario emerging from research in sleep science. Scientists have segmented sleep into several stages and stage two is characterized by two patterns (or anomalies) in the EEG time series recorded on sleep subjects. These two patterns are sleep spindle (SS) and K-complex. The OSAD problem was introduced to design a residual system, where all anomalies (known and unknown) are detected but the system only triggers an alarm when non-SS anomalies appear. The solution of the OSAD problem required us to combine techniques from both machine learning and control theory. Experiments on data from real subjects attest to the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: Submitted to 20th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 201

    Layer-Specific Physiological Features and Interlaminar Interactions in the Primary Visual Cortex of the Mouse

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    The relationship between mesoscopic local field potentials (LFPs) and single-neuron firing in the multi-layered neocortex is poorly understood. Simultaneous recordings from all layers in the primary visual cortex (V1) of the behaving mouse revealed functionally defined layers in V1. The depth of maximum spike power and sink-source distributions of LFPs provided consistent laminar landmarks across animals. Coherence of gamma oscillations (30–100 Hz) and spike-LFP coupling identified six physiological layers and further sublayers. Firing rates, burstiness, and other electrophysiological features of neurons displayed unique layer and brain state dependence. Spike transmission strength from layer 2/3 cells to layer 5 pyramidal cells and interneurons was stronger during waking compared with non-REM sleep but stronger during non-REM sleep among deep-layer excitatory neurons. A subset of deep-layer neurons was active exclusively in the DOWN state of non-REM sleep. These results bridge mesoscopic LFPs and single-neuron interactions with laminar structure in V1

    A computational study on altered theta-gamma coupling during learning and phase coding

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    There is considerable interest in the role of coupling between theta and gamma oscillations in the brain in the context of learning and memory. Here we have used a neural network model which is capable of producing coupling of theta phase to gamma amplitude firstly to explore its ability to reproduce reported learning changes and secondly to memory-span and phase coding effects. The spiking neural network incorporates two kinetically different GABAA receptor-mediated currents to generate both theta and gamma rhythms and we have found that by selective alteration of both NMDA receptors and GABAA,slow receptors it can reproduce learning-related changes in the strength of coupling between theta and gamma either with or without coincident changes in theta amplitude. When the model was used to explore the relationship between theta and gamma oscillations, working memory capacity and phase coding it showed that the potential storage capacity of short term memories, in terms of nested gamma-subcycles, coincides with the maximal theta power. Increasing theta power is also related to the precision of theta phase which functions as a potential timing clock for neuronal firing in the cortex or hippocampus

    Synchronization of fluctuating delay-coupled chaotic networks

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    We study the synchronization of chaotic units connected through time-delayed fluctuating interactions. Focusing on small-world networks of Bernoulli and Logistic units with a fixed chiral backbone, we compare the synchronization properties of static and fluctuating networks in the regime of large delays. We find that random network switching may enhance the stability of synchronized states. Synchronization appears to be maximally stable when fluctuations are much faster than the time-delay, whereas it disappears for very slow fluctuations. For fluctuation time scales of the order of the time-delay, we report a resynchronizing effect in finite-size networks. Moreover, we observe characteristic oscillations in all regimes, with a periodicity related to the time-delay, as the system approaches or drifts away from the synchronized state

    Chaos synchronization by resonance of multiple delay times

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    Chaos synchronization may arise in networks of nonlinear units with delayed couplings. We study complete and sublattice synchronization generated by resonance of two large time delays with a specific ratio. As it is known for single-delay networks, the number of synchronized sublattices is determined by the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the network loop lengths. We demonstrate analytically the GCD condition in networks of iterated Bernoulli maps with multiple delay times and complement our analytic results by numerical phase diagrams, providing parameter regions showing complete and sublattice synchronization by resonance for Tent and Bernoulli maps. We compare networks with the same GCD with single and multiple delays, and we investigate the sensitivity of the correlation to a detuning between the delays in a network of coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators. Moreover, the GCD condition also allows detection of time-delay resonances, leading to high correlations in nonsynchronizable networks. Specifically, GCD-induced resonances are observed both in a chaotic asymmetric network and in doubly connected rings of delay-coupled noisy linear oscillators

    Theta-mediated dynamics of spatial information in hippocampus.

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    In rodent hippocampus, neuronal activity is organized by a 6-10 Hz theta oscillation. The spike timing of hippocampal pyramidal cells with respect to the theta rhythm correlates with an animal's position in space. This correlation has been suggested to indicate an explicit temporal code for position. Alternatively, it may be interpreted as a byproduct of theta-dependent dynamics of spatial information flow in hippocampus. Here we show that place cell activity on different phases of theta reflects positions shifted into the future or past along the animal's trajectory in a two-dimensional environment. The phases encoding future and past positions are consistent across recorded CA1 place cells, indicating a coherent representation at the network level. Consistent theta-dependent time offsets are not simply a consequence of phase-position correlation (phase precession), because they are no longer seen after data randomization that preserves the phase-position relationship. The scale of these time offsets, 100-300 ms, is similar to the latencies of hippocampal activity after sensory input and before motor output, suggesting that offset activity may maintain coherent brain activity in the face of information processing delays

    Origin of Gamma Frequency Power during Hippocampal Sharp-Wave Ripples

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    Hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SPW-Rs) support consolidation of recently acquired episodic memories and planning future actions by generating ordered neuronal sequences of previous or future experiences. SPW-Rs are characterized by several spectral components: a slow (5–15 Hz) sharp-wave, a high-frequency “ripple” oscillation (150–200 Hz), and a slow “gamma” oscillation (20–40 Hz). Using laminar hippocampal recordings and optogenetic manipulations, we dissected the origin of these spectral components. We show that increased power in the 20–40 Hz band does not reflect an entrainment of CA1 and CA3 neurons at gamma frequency but the power envelope of overlapping ripples. Spike-local field potential coupling between unit firing in CA1 and CA3 regions during SPW-Rs is lowest in the gamma band. Longer SPW-Rs are preceded by increased firing in the entorhinal cortex. Thus, fusion of SPW-Rs leads to lengthening of their duration associated with increased power in the slow gamma band without the presence of true oscillation